Anti-bribery management
systems consulting

UNI ISO 37001: frame of reference
Corruption is a widespread phenomenon that poses serious problems:
- It distorts competition.
- It raises the costs of goods and services and lowers their quality.
- It represents a risk to business continuity.
- It introduces elements of uncertainty in commercial transactions, interfering with the fair and efficient functioning of the markets.

Growing awareness of the damage caused by corruption has prompted the establishment, at the international and national level, of strategies and actions aimed at reducing its risk and impact. Hence the proliferation of international agreements and national laws aimed at countering the phenomenon of corruption. In this context, ISO has developed a specific standard on the prevention of corruption, ISO 37001, as an operational tool to be added to the regulatory provisions that have already been implemented by individual countries.

UNI ISO 37001
UNI ISO 37001 – Anti-Bribery Management Systems, is a voluntary standard applicable to organisations of any size and any sector. It sets out the requirements and provides a guideline for establishing, implementing, maintaining, updating and improving a management system capable of:
- Preventing, identifying, and responding to corruption along the entire value chain in which the organization is inserted.
- Increasing the transparency and the clarity of the measures and controls that have been implemented, helping to achieve them with maximum effectiveness and efficiency.
- Ensuring compliance with anti-corruption legislation and any other voluntary commitments applicable to one’s activities.

The application of the regulation – and its eventual third party accredited certification – does not replace the obligations and legal provisions in force in the country, but rather is proof of the commitment to prevent, trace and tackle corruption.

UNI ISO 37001: our services
Thanks to a team of professionals having specific legal skills and technical skills, both in the development of management systems and organisational models and as part of the risk assessment and risk management activities, we provide assistance in the implementation of the following activities:
- Establishment of a documented anti-corruption policy and the roles and responsibilities of management in anti-corruption matters.
- Construction of a risk analysis model to identify the company processes and the activities most exposed to the risk of corruption and the drafting of an organisational model and procedures aimed at preventing of the corruption identified in the risk assessment.
- Training of all levels of the Organization on the issues of anti-bribery.
- Implementation of controls and due diligence in the financial, commercial, contractual sphere and in procurement processes.
- Management of corrective actions and investigations aimed at continuous improvement.

UNI ISO 37001: the advantages
- Reduces the risk of corruption in the Organization and exposure to liability also from the point of view of the application of the sanctions under applicable legislation.
- Demonstrates, in the event of a crime, that an organisational model for the prevention of corruption has been adopted (certified by a third party) benefiting from a mitigating effect of the sanctions under applicable legislation.
- Increases the organisation’s competitiveness. It is likely that compliance with ISO 37001 will become a key element for participating in and securing tenders and contracts.
- Possible facilitations in terms of access to bank credit and granting of funding from public administrations.


tax planning

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Legal and fiscal advice
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Anti-bribery management
systems consulting

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Search and selection
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